It is a very exciting time for local businesses and suppliers as 5 major infrastructure projects unfold in Cape Breton, representing over a billion dollars in investment by the Provincial Government.
These projects are estimated to be carried out over the next 5-7 years, and will offer numerous opportunities for businesses and suppliers whether they offer products/services directly tied to the construction industry (such as building materials and equipment rentals) or those not traditionally connected with the sector (such as catering, security, office supplies, and much more). Whether you are a large corporation or a small business, there are opportunities for businesses of every type and focus.

How You Can Get Involved
Business & Supplier Opportunities
There are a variety of ways local businesses can get involved in the infrastructure projects happening around the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.

Opportunities for local business Community
A number of changes can be expected, representing immense opportunities for nearby businesses to expand their services and offerings to meet the new demand in both the short-term and long-term.

Supplier Opportunities on Projects
Each of the major infrastructure projects in Cape Breton will include a number of opportunities for local suppliers to engage general contractors and project managers and offer their locally available products and services.

Government Tender and Procurement
The local business community now has a great opportunity to become more involved than ever before in the government’s tendering and procurement process.
Grow your business in Nova Scotia
Get help hiring and training your staff so you can grow your business. A number of resources are available through the Province of Nova Scotia, including incentives for hiring employees, help finding employees, and other training resources/supports.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can I contact to offer my business’ services/products to these projects’ Project Managers?
You can contact the following Project Managers:
Cape Breton Regional Hospital:
Paul Landry, Project Manager, Pomerleau Lindsay,
Northside Health Complex / New Waterford Hub:
Robbie Frame, Project Manager, PCL Constructors Canada Inc.,
Nova Scotia Community College:
Brian Fancy, FMA - Manager, Capital Development & Renewal, Nova Scotia Community College,
Who can I contact to prepare my business for future opportunities once these projects are completed?
To discuss what opportunities your business may be able to prepare for the areas surrounding these project, please contact:
Tyler Mattheis - Economic Development Officer, Cape Breton Partnership |
Mickey Freeman - Business Development Officer, Cape Breton Partnership |
Where can I find currently listed tenders for government work?
You can find the Nova Scotia Government Tender Notices (and sort by Description, Department, or Category) here:
I’m interested in bidding on available Government work on the tender notices website. Where do I start?
You can find information on the E-Bidding process, introductory videos, locating opportunities, bid-submission, and more here:
I am having trouble with the E-Bidding process or the Tender Notifications. Who can I contact?
You can access a resource video with information on how to get additional support or help on a number of topics surrounding procurement, e-bidding, and selling to government here:
Where can I find further resources on creating a more diverse and equitable workforce?
Robyn Lee Seale (she/her), Diversity and Inclusion Lead
Nova Scotia Lands
902-574-5039 |
“The Province of Nova Scotia is investing hundreds of millions of dollars through a number of upcoming infrastructure projects over the next several years, an unprecedented level of investment on our Island,” says Carla Arsenault, President & CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “The opportunities that these projects represent to both the local business community and workforce are immense. Hundreds of Cape Bretoners will be able to build their construction sector careers due to these projects, kicking off a new era of development capabilities for Cape Breton – Unama’ki.”
– Carla Arsenault – President and CEO, Cape Breton Partnership